Nafta in plin: Z energetskim prehodom doseči ničelne neto emisije
Širok portfelj inovativne merilne tehnologije, razvite za sedanje in prihodnje izzive
Razpoložljivost sredstev, varnost in učinkovitost so že dolgo ključni v naftni in plinski industriji. Izziv zmanjšanja emisij ogljika in doseganje ciljev razogljičenja je industriji dodal dimenzijo. Energetski prehod in digitalne spremembe spreminjajo industrijo. S svojo široko paleto merilnih naprav, storitev in rešitev v kombinaciji s svojim obsežnim znanjem o industriji omogočamo izboljšave procesov in s tem zanesljivo delovanje, ki lahko doseže neto ničelne cilje.
Check out our latest industry launches and innovations for Oil & Gas.
Naše rešitve
Mitigating safety challenges in H2 and CCUS applications
The unique properties of H2 and CO2 present several key challenges to operators. Learn how our offering and expertise help you optimize safety and efficiency in your hydrogen and CCUS applications.
Hydrogen - key energy carrier to reach decarbonization goals
Hydrogen is a promising solution for reducing carbon emissions and its infrastructure is developing rapidly. Learn how Endress+Hauser can help achieve sustainability and ensure regulatory compliance.
CCUS technologies play a major role in reducing carbon emissions and reaching net zero goals. Learn how we support CCUS projects in the oil & gas industry with reliable process measurement equipment.
It’s time to move on from aging mechanical meters and other outdated measurement technologies to instrumentation that reliably performs under all process conditions. Check out some good alternatives.
Oil and gas separation optimized with precise monitoring
Separating hydrocarbon liquids from water and sediments can be challenging because you need reliable information on all key parameters to run with optimal performance. See how our offering can help.
You need measurement devices and automation solutions that allow you to control and efficiently operate complex refinery processes. Our offering will improve the availability and safety of your plant.
Enable predictive maintenance in the oil and gas industry by putting your field instrumentation data to work to reduce unplanned downtime, boost availability, and reduce your maintenance costs.
Ensure process safety across the natural gas value chain
Maximize process safety with our best-fit instrumentation and solutions for natural gas and LNG, including processing, transport, storage and distribution.
Boost reliability of your natural gas liquefaction processes
Ensure the reliability of your natural gas liquefaction processes with Endress+Hauser process control solutions for pre-treatment, acid gas removal and dehydration, fractionation and liquefaction.
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