Producing successfully for our mutual success: Top level and pressure products for the world market
The basis of success: Every day and worldwide, our optimally trained and committed associates produce far more than 1,000 devices for level and pressure instrumentation which are used by the millions in continuous measurement, point level detection or pressure measurement in almost all industries and applications. In more than 16 product lines, we offer more than 1 million variants - and that with a standard delivery time between 2 and 5 days.
The heart of instrumentation
The heart of instrumentation
Active soldering of Sensor elements
Tested for a higher degree of safety
Tested for a higher degree of safety
Endress+Hauser test center
Optimally assembled
Optimally assembled
"Back Side Reflow" for printed circuit boards
Top quality for high demands
Top quality for high demands
Mechanical production
Experience for highest precision
Experience for highest precision
Production processes
Absolute accuracy
Absolute accuracy
German calibration service DKD - One of the TOP 10 accredited laboratories
Committed to quality on principle
Committed to quality on principle
Quality management is part of our culture - Environmental reports, ISO 9001 / 14001 / 45001, ISO 3834-2, Accreditations and Management certificates
Innovation award
Innovation award
Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure is a recipient of the 2021 TOP 100 Award which recognizes innovative small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
New campus in Maulburg
New campus in Maulburg
Endress+Hauser invests 100 million euro in the Campus 2030+ project at its Maulburg production site.
Endress+Hauser SE+Co. KG
Endress+Hauser SE+Co. KG
Hauptstrasse 1
79689 Maulburg
Cenimo vašo zasebnost
Uporabljamo piškotke, da bi lahko izboljšali vašo izkušnjo med brskanjem, zbirali statistične podatke za izboljšanje delovanja spletnega mesta in zagotavljali prilagojene oglase ali vsebine.
Z izbiro "Sprejmi vse" se strinjate z našo uporabo piškotkov.
Za podrobnosti si oglejte naš Pravilnik o piškotkih .